😸 Cheshire-Cat API
Production ready AI assistant framework
The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.3.1 Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
Do not edit the class manually.
Bases: OpenApiException
, AttributeError
Source code in cheshire_cat_api/exceptions.py
__init__(msg, path_to_item=None)
Raised when an attribute reference or assignment fails.
Args: msg (str): the exception message
Keyword Args: path_to_item (None/list) the path to the exception in the received_data dict
Source code in cheshire_cat_api/exceptions.py
Bases: OpenApiException
Source code in cheshire_cat_api/exceptions.py
Custom error messages for exception
Source code in cheshire_cat_api/exceptions.py
Bases: OpenApiException
, KeyError
Source code in cheshire_cat_api/exceptions.py
__init__(msg, path_to_item=None)
Args: msg (str): the exception message
Keyword Args: path_to_item (None/list) the path to the exception in the received_data dict
Source code in cheshire_cat_api/exceptions.py
Bases: OpenApiException
, TypeError
Source code in cheshire_cat_api/exceptions.py
__init__(msg, path_to_item=None, valid_classes=None, key_type=None)
Raises an exception for TypeErrors
Args: msg (str): the exception message
Keyword Args: path_to_item (list): a list of keys an indices to get to the current_item None if unset valid_classes (tuple): the primitive classes that current item should be an instance of None if unset key_type (bool): False if our value is a value in a dict True if it is a key in a dict False if our item is an item in a list None if unset
Source code in cheshire_cat_api/exceptions.py
Bases: OpenApiException
, ValueError
Source code in cheshire_cat_api/exceptions.py
__init__(msg, path_to_item=None)
Args: msg (str): the exception message
Keyword Args: path_to_item (list) the path to the exception in the received_data dict. None if unset
Source code in cheshire_cat_api/exceptions.py
Returns a string representation of a path