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Bases: BaseAgent

Main Agent. This class manages sub agents that in turn use the LLM.

Source code in cat/agents/
class MainAgent(BaseAgent):
    """Main Agent.
    This class manages sub agents that in turn use the LLM.

    def __init__(self):
        self.mad_hatter = MadHatter()

        if get_env("CCAT_LOG_LEVEL") in ["DEBUG", "INFO"]:
            self.verbose = True
            self.verbose = False

    async def execute(self, stray) -> AgentOutput:
        """Execute the agents.

        agent_output : AgentOutput
            Reply of the agent, instance of AgentOutput.

        # prepare input to be passed to the agent.
        #   Info will be extracted from working memory
        # Note: agent_input works both as a dict and as an object
        agent_input : BaseModelDict = self.format_agent_input(stray)
        agent_input = self.mad_hatter.execute_hook(
            "before_agent_starts", agent_input, cat=stray

        # store the agent input inside the working memory
        stray.working_memory.agent_input = agent_input

        # should we run the default agents?
        fast_reply = {}
        fast_reply = self.mad_hatter.execute_hook(
            "agent_fast_reply", fast_reply, cat=stray
        if isinstance(fast_reply, AgentOutput):
            return fast_reply
        if isinstance(fast_reply, dict) and "output" in fast_reply:
            return AgentOutput(**fast_reply)

        # obtain prompt parts from plugins
        prompt_prefix = self.mad_hatter.execute_hook(
            "agent_prompt_prefix", prompts.MAIN_PROMPT_PREFIX, cat=stray
        prompt_suffix = self.mad_hatter.execute_hook(
            "agent_prompt_suffix", prompts.MAIN_PROMPT_SUFFIX, cat=stray

        # run tools and forms
        procedures_agent = ProceduresAgent()
        procedures_agent_out : AgentOutput = await procedures_agent.execute(stray)
        if procedures_agent_out.return_direct:
            return procedures_agent_out

        # we run memory agent if:
        # - no procedures were recalled or selected or
        # - procedures have all return_direct=False
        memory_agent = MemoryAgent()
        memory_agent_out : AgentOutput = await memory_agent.execute(
            # TODO: should all agents only receive stray?
            stray, prompt_prefix, prompt_suffix

        memory_agent_out.intermediate_steps += procedures_agent_out.intermediate_steps

        return memory_agent_out

    def format_agent_input(self, stray):
        """Format the input for the Agent.

        The method formats the strings of recalled memories and chat history that will be provided to the Langchain
        Agent and inserted in the prompt.

            Formatted output to be parsed by the Agent executor. Works both as a dict and as an object.

        The context of memories and conversation history is properly formatted before being parsed by the and, hence,
        information are inserted in the main prompt.
        All the formatting pipeline is hookable and memories can be edited.

        See Also

        # format memories to be inserted in the prompt
        episodic_memory_formatted_content = self.agent_prompt_episodic_memories(
        declarative_memory_formatted_content = self.agent_prompt_declarative_memories(

        # format conversation history to be inserted in the prompt
        # TODOV2: take away
        conversation_history_formatted_content = stray.stringify_chat_history()

        return BaseModelDict(**{
            "episodic_memory": episodic_memory_formatted_content,
            "declarative_memory": declarative_memory_formatted_content,
            "tools_output": "",
            "input": stray.working_memory.user_message_json.text,  # TODOV2: take away
            "chat_history": conversation_history_formatted_content, # TODOV2: take away

    def agent_prompt_episodic_memories(
        self, memory_docs: List[Tuple[Document, float]]
    ) -> str:
        """Formats episodic memories to be inserted into the prompt.

        memory_docs : List[Document]
            List of Langchain `Document` retrieved from the episodic memory.

        memory_content : str
            String of retrieved context from the episodic memory.

        # convert docs to simple text
        memory_texts = [m[0].page_content.replace("\n", ". ") for m in memory_docs]

        # add time information (e.g. "2 days ago")
        memory_timestamps = []
        for m in memory_docs:
            # Get Time information in the Document metadata
            timestamp = m[0].metadata["when"]

            # Get Current Time - Time when memory was stored
            delta = timedelta(seconds=(time.time() - timestamp))

            # Convert and Save timestamps to Verbal (e.g. "2 days ago")
            memory_timestamps.append(f" ({verbal_timedelta(delta)})")

        # Join Document text content with related temporal information
        memory_texts = [a + b for a, b in zip(memory_texts, memory_timestamps)]

        # Format the memories for the output
        memories_separator = "\n  - "
        memory_content = (
            "## Context of things the Human said in the past: "
            + memories_separator
            + memories_separator.join(memory_texts)

        # if no data is retrieved from memory don't erite anithing in the prompt
        if len(memory_texts) == 0:
            memory_content = ""

        return memory_content

    def agent_prompt_declarative_memories(
        self, memory_docs: List[Tuple[Document, float]]
    ) -> str:
        """Formats the declarative memories for the prompt context.
        Such context is placed in the `agent_prompt_prefix` in the place held by {declarative_memory}.

        memory_docs : List[Document]
            list of Langchain `Document` retrieved from the declarative memory.

        memory_content : str
            String of retrieved context from the declarative memory.

        # convert docs to simple text
        memory_texts = [m[0].page_content.replace("\n", ". ") for m in memory_docs]

        # add source information (e.g. "extracted from file.txt")
        memory_sources = []
        for m in memory_docs:
            # Get and save the source of the memory
            source = m[0].metadata["source"]
            memory_sources.append(f" (extracted from {source})")

        # Join Document text content with related source information
        memory_texts = [a + b for a, b in zip(memory_texts, memory_sources)]

        # Format the memories for the output
        memories_separator = "\n  - "

        memory_content = (
            "## Context of documents containing relevant information: "
            + memories_separator
            + memories_separator.join(memory_texts)

        # if no data is retrieved from memory don't write anithing in the prompt
        if len(memory_texts) == 0:
            memory_content = ""

        return memory_content


Formats the declarative memories for the prompt context. Such context is placed in the agent_prompt_prefix in the place held by {declarative_memory}.


Name Type Description Default
memory_docs List[Document]

list of Langchain Document retrieved from the declarative memory.



Name Type Description
memory_content str

String of retrieved context from the declarative memory.

Source code in cat/agents/
def agent_prompt_declarative_memories(
    self, memory_docs: List[Tuple[Document, float]]
) -> str:
    """Formats the declarative memories for the prompt context.
    Such context is placed in the `agent_prompt_prefix` in the place held by {declarative_memory}.

    memory_docs : List[Document]
        list of Langchain `Document` retrieved from the declarative memory.

    memory_content : str
        String of retrieved context from the declarative memory.

    # convert docs to simple text
    memory_texts = [m[0].page_content.replace("\n", ". ") for m in memory_docs]

    # add source information (e.g. "extracted from file.txt")
    memory_sources = []
    for m in memory_docs:
        # Get and save the source of the memory
        source = m[0].metadata["source"]
        memory_sources.append(f" (extracted from {source})")

    # Join Document text content with related source information
    memory_texts = [a + b for a, b in zip(memory_texts, memory_sources)]

    # Format the memories for the output
    memories_separator = "\n  - "

    memory_content = (
        "## Context of documents containing relevant information: "
        + memories_separator
        + memories_separator.join(memory_texts)

    # if no data is retrieved from memory don't write anithing in the prompt
    if len(memory_texts) == 0:
        memory_content = ""

    return memory_content


Formats episodic memories to be inserted into the prompt.


Name Type Description Default
memory_docs List[Document]

List of Langchain Document retrieved from the episodic memory.



Name Type Description
memory_content str

String of retrieved context from the episodic memory.

Source code in cat/agents/
def agent_prompt_episodic_memories(
    self, memory_docs: List[Tuple[Document, float]]
) -> str:
    """Formats episodic memories to be inserted into the prompt.

    memory_docs : List[Document]
        List of Langchain `Document` retrieved from the episodic memory.

    memory_content : str
        String of retrieved context from the episodic memory.

    # convert docs to simple text
    memory_texts = [m[0].page_content.replace("\n", ". ") for m in memory_docs]

    # add time information (e.g. "2 days ago")
    memory_timestamps = []
    for m in memory_docs:
        # Get Time information in the Document metadata
        timestamp = m[0].metadata["when"]

        # Get Current Time - Time when memory was stored
        delta = timedelta(seconds=(time.time() - timestamp))

        # Convert and Save timestamps to Verbal (e.g. "2 days ago")
        memory_timestamps.append(f" ({verbal_timedelta(delta)})")

    # Join Document text content with related temporal information
    memory_texts = [a + b for a, b in zip(memory_texts, memory_timestamps)]

    # Format the memories for the output
    memories_separator = "\n  - "
    memory_content = (
        "## Context of things the Human said in the past: "
        + memories_separator
        + memories_separator.join(memory_texts)

    # if no data is retrieved from memory don't erite anithing in the prompt
    if len(memory_texts) == 0:
        memory_content = ""

    return memory_content

execute(stray) async

Execute the agents.


Name Type Description
agent_output AgentOutput

Reply of the agent, instance of AgentOutput.

Source code in cat/agents/
async def execute(self, stray) -> AgentOutput:
    """Execute the agents.

    agent_output : AgentOutput
        Reply of the agent, instance of AgentOutput.

    # prepare input to be passed to the agent.
    #   Info will be extracted from working memory
    # Note: agent_input works both as a dict and as an object
    agent_input : BaseModelDict = self.format_agent_input(stray)
    agent_input = self.mad_hatter.execute_hook(
        "before_agent_starts", agent_input, cat=stray

    # store the agent input inside the working memory
    stray.working_memory.agent_input = agent_input

    # should we run the default agents?
    fast_reply = {}
    fast_reply = self.mad_hatter.execute_hook(
        "agent_fast_reply", fast_reply, cat=stray
    if isinstance(fast_reply, AgentOutput):
        return fast_reply
    if isinstance(fast_reply, dict) and "output" in fast_reply:
        return AgentOutput(**fast_reply)

    # obtain prompt parts from plugins
    prompt_prefix = self.mad_hatter.execute_hook(
        "agent_prompt_prefix", prompts.MAIN_PROMPT_PREFIX, cat=stray
    prompt_suffix = self.mad_hatter.execute_hook(
        "agent_prompt_suffix", prompts.MAIN_PROMPT_SUFFIX, cat=stray

    # run tools and forms
    procedures_agent = ProceduresAgent()
    procedures_agent_out : AgentOutput = await procedures_agent.execute(stray)
    if procedures_agent_out.return_direct:
        return procedures_agent_out

    # we run memory agent if:
    # - no procedures were recalled or selected or
    # - procedures have all return_direct=False
    memory_agent = MemoryAgent()
    memory_agent_out : AgentOutput = await memory_agent.execute(
        # TODO: should all agents only receive stray?
        stray, prompt_prefix, prompt_suffix

    memory_agent_out.intermediate_steps += procedures_agent_out.intermediate_steps

    return memory_agent_out


Format the input for the Agent.

The method formats the strings of recalled memories and chat history that will be provided to the Langchain Agent and inserted in the prompt.


Type Description

Formatted output to be parsed by the Agent executor. Works both as a dict and as an object.


The context of memories and conversation history is properly formatted before being parsed by the and, hence, information are inserted in the main prompt. All the formatting pipeline is hookable and memories can be edited.

See Also

agent_prompt_episodic_memories agent_prompt_declarative_memories agent_prompt_chat_history

Source code in cat/agents/
def format_agent_input(self, stray):
    """Format the input for the Agent.

    The method formats the strings of recalled memories and chat history that will be provided to the Langchain
    Agent and inserted in the prompt.

        Formatted output to be parsed by the Agent executor. Works both as a dict and as an object.

    The context of memories and conversation history is properly formatted before being parsed by the and, hence,
    information are inserted in the main prompt.
    All the formatting pipeline is hookable and memories can be edited.

    See Also

    # format memories to be inserted in the prompt
    episodic_memory_formatted_content = self.agent_prompt_episodic_memories(
    declarative_memory_formatted_content = self.agent_prompt_declarative_memories(

    # format conversation history to be inserted in the prompt
    # TODOV2: take away
    conversation_history_formatted_content = stray.stringify_chat_history()

    return BaseModelDict(**{
        "episodic_memory": episodic_memory_formatted_content,
        "declarative_memory": declarative_memory_formatted_content,
        "tools_output": "",
        "input": stray.working_memory.user_message_json.text,  # TODOV2: take away
        "chat_history": conversation_history_formatted_content, # TODOV2: take away