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🌐 Custom Endpoints

Custom endpoints allow you to extend the REST API offered by the Cat.
All endpoints are documented directly on your installation under localhost:1865/docs, with usage examples and a playground to try them out.

How to add a custom endpoint

Let's add a simple endpoint with no input and no auth.
Add the following to your plugin:

from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import endpoint

def my_endpoint():
    return "meooow"

Now open your browser on localhost:1865/custom/new, you should see a meooow in the page. The new endpoint also appeared in /docs alongside core endpoints, under the Custom Endpoints group.

StrayCat and permissions

You'll probably want to access the user session and all Cat's functionality from within the endpoint. As an example let's have the endpoint producing a joke:

from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import endpoint
from cat.auth.permissions import check_permissions

def joke(stray=check_permissions("CONVERSATION", "WRITE")):

    # invoking the LLM!
    return stray.llm("Tell me a short joke.")

We all know LLMs' jokes are rarely fun, but you can generate a new one every time you access endpoint GET /custom/joke.

Notice here we used stray in the same way we used cat in hooks and tools. It is in both cases an instance of StrayCat, to let you easily access user session, LLM and most of the functionality the framework can offer.
The double naming may be confusing, it will be unified in version 2. ;)

Utility function check_permissions will handle authentication and authorization, giving in output a StrayCat if successful. The function requires you to specify a resource (e.g. PLUGINS, MEMORY) and a permission (e.g. READ, WRITE); you can see available resources and permissions in the user manager (admin panel) and in source code under cat/auth/

For simplicity you can write resource and permission as strings, and they will be automatically validated. Under the hood those are treated as enums and you can use those directly:

from cat.mad_hatter.decorators import endpoint
from cat.auth.permissions import AuthResource, AuthPermission, check_permissions

def joke(stray=check_permissions(AuthResource.CONVERSATION, AuthPermission.WRITE)):

    # invoking the LLM!
    return stray.llm("Tell me a short joke.")

Endpoint input and output

To make your endpoint work with custom data structures, it is a good idea to make pydantic models describing input and output, so you get code clarity plus automatic validation and documentation.

Let's imagine an endpoint you can call from any client, for example a Javascript frontend or a Rust batch job running in the night on a remote server. Endpoint will receive topic and language for the joke, and send as output joke and user_id.

from pydantic import BaseModel

class JokeInput(BaseModel):
    topic: str
    language: str

class JokeOutput(BaseModel):
    joke: str
    user_id: str"/topic-joke")
def topic_joke(
    joke_input: JokeInput,
    stray=check_permissions("CONVERSATION", "WRITE"),
) -> JokeOutput:

    joke = stray.llm(f"Tell me a short joke about {joke_input.topic}, in {joke_input.language} language.")

    return JokeOutput(

To use the endpoint send a POST request to /custom/topic-joke or just use it in the playground under /docs. Request payload will be something like:

  "topic": "mozzarella",
  "language": "italian"

Ad the glorious response something like:

  "joke": "Perché la mozzarella non va mai in palestra? \n\nPerché ha paura di sciogliersi!",
  "user_id": "user"

As you can see specifying input and output models gave you automatic validation and automatic documentation. You can avoid typing everything in prototyping stage, but it is a good practice for production.

Path and Tags

You are free to name the endpoint as you please, using any HTTP verb (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) and deciding in autonomy what the endpoint gets as input and gives as output. You can also customize the endpoint's path:

@endpoint.get(path="/joke", prefix="/random", tags=["Useful Stuff"])
def random_joke():
    return 42

This time the endpoint will be listening on http://localhost:1865/random/joke and will be documented in /docs in its own Useful Stuff group.

Dependency injection

Being a full blown FastAPI endpoint, you can use any primitive available in FastAPI.
Here is an example to access directly the network request:

from fastapi import Request

def send_me_back_the_headers(request: Request):
    return request.headers
