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Environment Variables

The Core can be configured using environment variables, the values are read during Cat bootstrap.

How to set Environment Variables

To set environment variables:

  • Create a file named .env at the same level of the compose.yml file.
  • Here there is a example you can use as a reference.
  • Add to compose.yml the command to read the .env:

      container_name: cheshire_cat_core
        - .env
        - ${CORE_PORT:-1865}:80
        - ./static:/app/cat/static
        - ./plugins:/app/cat/plugins
        - ./data:/app/cat/data
  • The command docker compose up will now read the .env file and set the environment variables for the container.



Default value: localhost

The host at which the Cat is running. The variable is used by Admin Portal to determine the host to connect to.
If your installation has to be served on, have in your .env:


Default value: 1865

The port the Cat has to listen to, for both admin and REST API.
Easter egg: 1865 is the year "Alice in Wonderland" was published.


Default value: false

By default, the core APIs are exposed using the HTTP/WS protocol, set this parameter to true if you expose the API using the HTTPS/WSS protocol, for example using NGIX in front of the Cat.


Default value: *

By default, the core APIs can be consumed from all origins, using the parameter you can restrict which origins can consume the APIs.


Default value: false

Enable this variable if you are using a proxy like Nginx with SSL in front of the Cat, otherwise https will give redirection problems.

This option is mapped to the --proxy_headers Uvicorn option, you can reference the Uvicorn HTTP setting page for more info.


Default value: *

When the CCAT_HTTPS_PROXY_MODE option is enabled, this option is mapped to the --forwarded-allow-ips Uvicorn option, you can reference the Uvicorn HTTP setting page for more info.



Default value: [empty]

By default, the core HTTP API does not require any authorization. If you set this variable all HTTP endpoints will require an Authorization: Bearer <ccat_api_key> header.
Failure to provide the correct key will result in a 403 error.
Websocket endpoints will remain open, unless you set CCAT_API_KEY_WS (see below).

If along the HTTP API call you want to communicate the endpoint also which user is making the request, use the user_id: <my_user_id> header.
If you don't, the Cat will assume user_id: user.

Keep in mind that api keys are intended for machine-2-machine communication; If you are talking to the Cat from a browser, set the api keys to secure your installation, but only communicate with the Cat via JWT (TODO: insert JWT tutorial).


Default value: [empty]

By default, WebSocket endpoints are open to the public. If you want to lock them down, set this environment variable, e.g. CCAT_API_KEY_WS=meows.

To pass the gate, call the WS endpoint using a token query parameter:
Example ws://localhost:1865/ws/<user_id>?token=<ccat_api_key_ws>.

Keep in mind that api keys are intended for machine-2-machine communication; If you are talking to the Cat from a browser, set the api keys to secure your installation, but only communicate with the Cat via JWT (TODO: insert JWT tutorial).


Default value: secret

Secret for issueing and validating JWTs. Must be personalized along CCAT_API_KEY and CCAT_APIKEY_WS to make the installation secure.


Default value: HS256

Algorithm to sign the JWT with CCAT_JWT_SECRET.


Default value: 1440

By default a JWT expires after 1 day.



Default value: true

By default changes to files in the root folder of the Cat force a restart of the Core.
This is useful during the development of Plugins. This behavior can be switched off in production by setting to false.


Default value: INFO

The log level, available levels are:

Vector DB


Default value: [empty]

The host on which Qdrant is running. Cat provides a ready-to-use file based Qdrant, embedded in cat/data/local_vector_memory. If you want to use an external instance of Qdrant or a separated container in compose.yml, use this parameter to specify the host where it is running. You can also optionally specify the protocol to use in the URL to make a secure connection (for example

See the local-cat repo for an example usage of Qdrant as a container.


Default value: 6333

The port on which Qdrant is running, in case you use an external host or another container inside the compose.yml.


Default value: [empty]

This is used to set the Qdrant Api Key in the client connection statement. It should be configured if an Api Key is set up on the Qdrant Server, or if you are using the cloud version.


Default value: false

Set to ftrue to turn on Vector Database snapshots, so when you change embedder an automatic backup will be saved on disk. Please note:

  • Snapshots are painfully slow.
  • We have not implemented a routine to reimport the snapshot.



Default value: cat/data/metadata.json

The name of the file that contains all the Cat settings.